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Pete Buttigieg is running for president in 2020. Here's everything we know about the candidate and how he stacks up against the competition.

Eliza Relman   

Pete Buttigieg is running for president in 2020. Here's everything we know about the candidate and how he stacks up against the competition.

pete buttigieg

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Pete Buttigieg speaks during a Democratic National Committee forum in Baltimore.

Who is Pete Buttigieg?

Current job: Mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Running for president of the United States as a Democratic candidate.

Age: 37

Family: Buttigieg is married to junior high school teacher Chasten Glezman Buttigieg.

Hometown: South Bend, Indiana.

Political party: Democratic

Previous jobs: Consultant for McKinsey & Company from 2007-2010, US Navy Reserve officer from 2009 to 2017, seven-month tour as a counterintelligence officer in Afghanistan.

Who is Buttigieg's direct competition for the nomination?

Based on a recurring series of national surveys we conduct, we can figure out who the other candidates competing in Pete Buttigieg's lane are, and who the broader opponents are within the party.

  • Buttigieg had a nice March, but only about 1 in 7 respondents who identified as likely Democratic primary voters were familiar with him. Joe Biden, the current frontrunner, was also popular among those who'd be satisfied with Buttigieg, but that's more about Biden's popularity than Buttigieg's constituency.

Pete Buttigieg

Business Insider

  • Those satisfied with Buttigieg as nominee tended to be satisfied with lots of different candidates, if a little cool on Sen. Sanders. A full 68% of those satisfied with the South Bend mayor also would be satisfied with Sen. Kamala Harris, which is a 12 percentage point outperformance compared to how she did among general Democrats.
  • Most significantly, 66% of Buttigieg backers would also be satisfied with Warren, an enormous 22 percentage point bump above her performance among general Democrats.

INSIDER has been conducting a recurring poll through SurveyMonkey Audience on a national sample to find out how different candidate's constituencies overlap. We ask people whether they are familiar with a candidate, whether they would be satisfied or unsatisfied with that candidate as nominee, and sometimes we also ask whether they think that person would win or lose in a general election against President Donald Trump.

Read more about how we're polling this here.

What are Pete Buttigieg's policy positions?

  • On healthcare:
    • Supports moving to a single-payer healthcare system in the long run, but has proposed implementing a public option on the Obamacare marketplace first. He calls this "Medicare for all who want it." He doesn't believe a Medicare-for-all system would require eliminating private insurance.
  • On immigration:
    • Supports the Obama administration's "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA) program, which protects young people who come to the US illegally as children, and wants a pathway to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants.
    • Opposed to Trump's border wall, but supports increasing border security, which could include fencing.
  • On climate change:
    • Supports the Green New Deal resolution, which aims to transition the US to 100% clean and renewable energy in 10 years, and stimulate the economy with millions of new jobs and an expanded social safety net.
    • Wants the US to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, and was one of more than 400 American mayors to sign a pact to continue adhering to the international pact after Trump pulled the US out of it in 2017.
    • Buttigieg calls climate change a national security threat.
  • On campaign finance:
    • Like a growing number of Democrats, Buttigieg no longer takes donations from corporate political action committees, as of April 2018. Nearly 65% of Buttigieg' campaign funding between 2015 and 2018 came from individual donors who gave more than $200, according to OpenSecrets, a project of the Center for Responsive Politics. Just under 5% has come from corporate PACs.
  • On abortion:
    • Supports the right to an abortion and voted against a bill in the Senate that would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
    • Grilled Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on his position on abortion during his 2018 confirmation hearing.
  • On LGBTQ rights:
    • Supports the Federal Equality Act, which would extend nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQ+ people. He supports transgender individuals' rights, including the right for prisoners to receive gender reassignment surgery.
  • On guns:
    • Supports universal background checks and wants to see more research on the impact of the federal assault weapons ban of the 1990s.
  • On criminal justice reform:
    • Buttigieg has suggested that he supports legalizing marijuana.
  • On trade:
    • Buttigieg is critical of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he believes has moved jobs in the Midwest overseas.
  • On foreign policy:
    • In favor of withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan. He's opposed to an "open-ended commitment" in Syria, but supports maintaining a "very limited" counter-intelligence and special operations presence there.
  • On taxes:
    • Has suggested he's in favor implementing some sort of wealth tax and expanding the Earned Income tax credit.
  • On democracy reform:
  • On social safety net:
    • Says the country should "have a conversation" about Universal Basic Income.

What are Pete Buttigieg's policy successes?

  • Buttigieg implemented "Smart Streets" in South Bend, which involved converting one-way streets to two-way, adding bike lanes, and building new sidewalks in an effort to revitalize the city's downtown.
  • Oversaw a $50 million investment in South Bend's parks and riverfront.

How much money has Pete Buttigieg raised?

Buttigieg's campaign reported that it raised about $600,000 from 22,000 donors in just over 24 hours following the candidate's March CNN town hall. Buttigieg announced in mid-March that he reached the 65,000 donor threshold to participate in the first Democratic primary debate.

Could Pete Buttigieg beat President Trump?

Referring back to INSIDER's recurring poll, Buttigieg overall is a more obscure candidate than many of his peers, and those who do know of him are unsure if he'd beat Trump. Based on responses from Democratic primary voters, for a typical candidate 36% of respondents think they'd win, 9% think they'd lose, and 55% are unsure. Of the roughly 200 Democrats who'd heard of Buttigieg and could weigh in, only a quarter think he'd win, about two-thirds are unsure, and 12% think he'd lose.

Read more of our best stories on Pete Buttigieg:


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