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How to choose the healthiest foods at the grocery store for the least amount of money

Dried beans

How to choose the healthiest foods at the grocery store for the least amount of money



Like beans, lentils aren't the most exciting purchase, but you'll stretch your dollars if you start cooking with them.

"Dried lentils are a super cheap, plant protein source that can be used as a substitute to meat in meals," says Chase.

Batayneh notes a bonus feature of lentils: "Unlike beans, they don’t need to be pre-soaked. You can simmer them with spices and vegetables for an aromatic soup, use pre-cooked lentils in salads or as a side dish, or even add them to burgers or meatballs to stretch more expensive meat."



You can find this tasty fruit for just $0.19 each at Trader Joe's.

"Bananas are brimming with soluble fiber — a type of fiber that has been associated with lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels — which also helps to fill you up," says Chase. And, you'll generally get the most out of your $0.19, she says: "Because most bananas that we purchase in the grocery store are large, they typically count as two fruit servings."



"At around $.20 per egg, eggs are one of the most economical (and environmentally friendly!) sources of protein," says Batayneh.

"Both the whites and the yolk are valuable sources of nutrients: The whites offer six grams of high quality protein, while the yolk provides choline, a B vitamin that plays a role in brain and liver health, as well as zeaxanthin and lutein, two antioxidants that boost eye health."

What's more, egg preparation options are endless. Try them scrambled, hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, or whip up an omelet or frittata.



You've heard it since you were a kid: Finish your milk to build your bones. Drinking milk still applies when you're not living with your parents — and, it won't break your budget.

"Milk contains high quality proteins and has a wide range of potential health benefits including keeping bones strong and weight under control," says Chase. "To save on cost, purchase milk in gallon jugs instead of half gallon containers. If you don't think you'll drink it fast enough, purchasing dry milk is another economical option."

Frozen vegetables

Frozen vegetables

While canned and frozen produce often get a bad rap for not being fresh, they're just as nutritious and will lower your grocery bill each month. Plus, you don't run the risk of having to throw them out due to expiration dates.

"Because frozen vegetables are picked at their peak ripeness and flash-frozen right after, their nutrients are preserved, making them just as healthy as fresh vegetables," explains Batayneh. "Frozen vegetables also often come in a mixed bag, providing you with a variety of nutrients."



If you're looking to munch without loading up on hundreds of calories from chips, crackers, or other crunchy snacks, jicama is your answer.

"Ditch the chips and try sliced jicama, a non-starchy vegetable with a crispy, juicy flesh," says Chase. "Jicama is a tuber vegetable that can be found in the produce section of your local grocery store. With only 25 calories per half cup, sliced jicama packs in 20% of the daily value for vitamin C and is a good source of fiber."

Chase recommends peeling and slicing the veggie to use in place of chips as a dipper for appetizers.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds

If you've still got the munchies and need something salty, opt for a handful of sunflower seeds. While most nuts and seeds will break your bank, sunflower seeds are the exception, costing about $.30 per ounce serving.

"Each serving offers almost six grams of protein as well as three grams of fiber," Batayneh says. "They're also rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps keep cell membranes and brain cells healthy. In addition, they contain phytosterols, plant compounds that may reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease."

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

You can find this versatile veggie for $.50 apiece at Trader Joe's.

While one serving contains about 40 grams of carbs, there's no need to feel bad about consuming carbs if they're coming from sweet potatoes, Batayneh tells us. "They provide your muscles and brain with energy, as well as a host of other nutrients to keep your body running smoothly. High in fiber, they help maintain healthy blood sugars. They also contain beta-carotene, a precursor for vitamin A."



If you're looking for a cheap and hearty breakfast, you can't go wrong with oats.

"It's no secret that oats are rich in fiber, with five grams per half-cup serving, but they're also relatively high in protein for a grain, with four grams in just 150 calories," says Batayneh.

She recommends buying steel-cut or rolled oats in the bulk section. "Processed and sweetened oatmeal packets are not only more expensive, but they contain calorie-dense sugars and other add-ons," she warns.

Canned tuna

Canned tuna

"The American Heart Association recommends consuming at least two servings of fatty fish per week, but for the time- or money-conscious, that can be difficult," Batayneh tells us. "Canned tuna (or salmon) removes both of those obstacles."

You can find two-serving cans for about $.70 each, and they're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, she says. "Omega-3 fatty acids improve heart health by reducing blood triglyceride levels and slowing the growth of atherosclerotic plaques. Their consumption is also correlated with a reduced risk of depression."

Popcorn kernels

Popcorn kernels

Bagged popcorn will get you with high prices and unhealthy additives, but popping your own will save money and sodium-laden calories.

"While two tablespoons of kernels will set you back just fifteen cents, it pops up to almost four cups of fiber-rich whole grains," Batayneh tells us. "Without any seasoning, spices, or add-ons, popcorn has just thirty calories per cup, making it a far healthier choice than greasy chips."

To spice up your homemade popcorn, Batayneh recommends topping it with cilantro and lime, garlic and olive oil, or rosemary, black pepper, and parmesan.

Plain yogurt

Plain yogurt

"You know yogurt is a good source of both protein and calcium, but it also contains many more valuable nutrients including potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and vegetarian-friendly B12," says Batayneh. "It's also a good source of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that keep your digestive system running smoothly."

She recommends sticking to plain yogurt, which won't contain too many added sugars. And if you're looking for a protein boost, opt for Greek or Icelandic styles.

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