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Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day

Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day

Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day

Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day


9 a.m. A rush of meetings, calls, and tackling the inbox

The staff usually arrives by 9:30 a.m., so from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. there is a "big rush" full of calls and meetings with his teams. Since Ballard has 19 clients and three to four staff members per client, he is essentially working with over 60 staff members everyday (they are shared among other partners as well).

The rest of the morning is spent sorting through over 50 emails, attending around six meetings, and making about 15 calls.

"From about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I typically spend in meetings, on calls or with my clients but I try not to schedule anything too heavy after 4 p.m. to give me time to catch up on anything that I did not get to earlier in the day," Ballard said.

12:30 p.m. Working lunch

"I eat in [pWc's] café maybe two days of the week," Ballard told Business Insider. "The other days I go out to lunch with clients, my engagement teams, or the other partners."

Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day


5 p.m. FaceTime with his family

Ballard tries his best to stay involved with his kids' lives on a daily basis and even helps them with homework. He uses FaceTime to catch up when he's not physically there.

"5 p.m. is FaceTime with my kids to see how their day was and to answer any math homework questions. My wife covers homework when she gets home, but hates math!" he said.

Ballard makes a great effort to guide younger associates, teaching them to balance work and family, which is something practices regularly. "I believe it's important to balance family life and work, and I tell all my associates that."

7 p.m. Leave work to pick up his daughter

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays he tries to leave the office by 7 p.m. so he can pick his daughter Ava from gymnastics practice, and maybe even watch the last 45 minutes.

During "busy season," however, Ballard might find himself staying in the office, working late until 8 p.m., and might not get home until 9:30 p.m.

"My wife and I agreed that if I have work, she would much rather I stay at work than bring it home, because even if I'm physically there, I'm not actually there," Ballard explained.

Here's what a partner at a 'Big 4' accounting firm does all day


10 p.m. Check emails and answer timely staff questions

The work day doesn't end early for Ballard. Even at 10 p.m. he finds himself checking emails and getting in touch with staff to answer questions they might have.

"I like to give myself a great level of access and availability, so I make myself available to chat and email in the evening," Ballard told Business Insider.

11 p.m. Lights out

"I typically try to go to sleep by 11 p.m.," Ballard said. "As long as I get at least six hours of sleep I feel pretty refreshed in the morning."

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