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Meet The Family Who Lives On The Road - And Captures All Of Their Travels On Instagram

Say hi to Jessa and Jack Works! Dad Josh is behind the camera.

Meet The Family Who Lives On The Road - And Captures All Of Their Travels On Instagram

In 2011, the newlyweds got a little restless.

In 2011, the newlyweds got a little restless.

They wanted to do something different and change up their routine. They also wanted to see the country with their son in tow.

They wanted to do something different and change up their routine. They also wanted to see the country with their son in tow.

So that's what they did. The couple purchased a 27-foot Airstream bus, and hit the road.

So that

They spent 18 months planning their big move.

They spent 18 months planning their big move.

They had to take a lot of things into consideration, including money, health insurance, and education for their son.

They had to take a lot of things into consideration, including money, health insurance, and education for their son.

But it was well worth it — the Works trio became somewhat of a professional traveling family, and inspired many others to do the same along the way.

But it was well worth it — the Works trio became somewhat of a professional traveling family, and inspired many others to do the same along the way.

Thanks to Instagram and social media, Josh and Jessa were able to share all of their travels with anyone who wanted to follow along.

Thanks to Instagram and social media, Josh and Jessa were able to share all of their travels with anyone who wanted to follow along.

They even bought a drone to take aerial shots of all of the places they toured.

They even bought a drone to take aerial shots of all of the places they toured.

Jack has grown up on the road. His parents brag that he's a great traveler, and knows how to set up and break down camp as well as they do!

Jack has grown up on the road. His parents brag that he

This is a shot the family captured of mussels at low tide.

This is a shot the family captured of mussels at low tide.

Their Instagram account is chock-full of images of the wide, open road.

Their Instagram account is chock-full of images of the wide, open road.

It's enough to make anyone want to ditch their desk job and head out on the highway.


We just thought this was a hilarious photo.

We just thought this was a hilarious photo.

This is how Jack spent the 4th of July, his parents said. At the Grand Canyon!

This is how Jack spent the 4th of July, his parents said. At the Grand Canyon!

Their Airstream bus is truly their home.

Their Airstream bus is truly their home.

The family has maintained a few traditions. Every year, they "measure" Jack at Kansas' Tuttle Creek Spillway.

The family has maintained a few traditions. Every year, they "measure" Jack at Kansas

After a few months on the road, the family realized they didn't need much to be comfortable and happy.

After a few months on the road, the family realized they didn

From the snowy mountains...

From the snowy mountains... the valleys... the valleys... the beaches, the Works family has experienced something most families never will. the beaches, the Works family has experienced something most families never will.

But they just announced recently via Instagram that they're onto a new chapter in their lives.

But they just announced recently via Instagram that they

They're leaving behind the Airstream bus.


And moving into Josh's late Grandmother's farmhouse in Kansas.

And moving into Josh

But the family says they're still having adventures...

But the family says they

And they'll keep documenting on Instagram.

And they

And who knows, maybe the Airstream bus will make a day.

And who knows, maybe the Airstream bus will make a day.

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