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People keep mixing up these 2 'Westworld' characters - but they're definitely not the same person

Nov 3, 2016, 22:36 IST


The INSIDER Summary:

"Westworld" has two dashing male characters named Hector and Logan.
Though they look similar, they are definitely NOT the same person.
A lot of people watching at home do not realize this.

"Westworld" is a complex show with a long character list, so it's inevitable for some fans to get a couple of guys and gals mixed up now and again. But two characters were cast with very similar-looking actors, and it continually trips people up each week. 

Hector Escaton is a rogue bandit host (robot) with a tasteful scar and intimidating posse of sharp shooters. We first saw this character in the pilot, when he attempted to rob the Mariposa Saloon.


Logan is a guest of the park, though he works for a fancy company who might be planning on buying a large stake in "Westworld." We first saw him in the second episode when he arrived with his co-worker William.


As soon as Logan appeared onscreen, fans at home were confused. The mix-ups haven't stopped since.

"I swear I watched the entire second episode believing that they are one and the same," Redditor Kazumo said in a discussion thread about the two characters. Another Reddit thread was started several days later, touting "Seriously, Logan and Hector look way too much alike." 

Multiple co-workers of mine have approached me to ask why Hector was suddenly a guest in the park, or why Logan was in jail without reason. 

But I can assure you that Logan and Hector are two separate characters, played by two very different actors. 

Frazer Harrison/Frederick M. Brown/Getty

Rodrigo Santoro (who fans of "Love Actually" will know as Karl) plays Hector.

Ben Barnes (who is British) plays Logan.

Their onscreen mannerisms and outfits as Hector and Logan are wildly different, too. Hector usually wears a black leather jacket and leather hat with embossed design. He's described by others in Westworld as "part-Native" and has an accent. Plus, you know, he's a robot.

John P. Johnson/HBO

Logan is a human guest with a standard American accent. He wears a black suit with a different style of black hat, and carries a much smaller gun than Hector.

John P. Johnson/HBO

So next time you see either of these characters on screen, you should know who's who. If not, we have a handy guide to every character (including Logan and Hector) you can reference.

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