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People In San Francisco Are Leaving Insane Fliers On Tesla Cars, Claiming To Expose The 'Truth' About The Company

May 1, 2014, 02:42 IST

People are apparently leaving fliers on Tesla cars in San Francisco, warning drivers that owning a Tesla means they are involved in "organized crime."


The flier accuses Tesla of "manipulating Congress." It also explores everything from the safety of lithium ion batteries to speculation that Google is a "silent partner" of Tesla's.

"Tesla audio and location tracking can be remotely monitored with two clicks of a mouse," the flier reads. "Google hushes up bad news about Tesla. By driving a Tesla you are supporting spying."

It's not clear who is behind this, but the flier ultimately urges Tesla owners to give the car back. Check it out below.



(Via Ryan Block)

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