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PayPal Accidentally Gave This Guy $92 Quadrillion

Jul 17, 2013, 20:25 IST

Flickr / noahwesleyPayPal temporarily made a Pennsylvania PR executive a quadrillionnaire when it accidentally credited his account with $92,233,270,368,547,800, Sho Wills of CNN reports.


That would have made Chris Reynolds the richest man in the world. Easily.

When Reynolds opened up his PayPal e-mail statement for June, he figured something was off when he is balance read $92 quadtrillion and then some.

He went online to check his account, and that's when he definitely knew it was a mistake. His account balance read $0.

PayPal has since admitted the error and is offering to donate an undetermined amount of money to a cause of Reynolds's choice.


If were able to keep the cash, Reynolds said he would pay down the national debt, and then buy the Philadelphia Phillies baseball team.

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