Republican House
“There’s no leadership on the other side of the aisle and therefore no agreement," Ryan said in an interview with ABC's "This Week." “The Senate hasn’t passed a bill to replace the sequester. The president gave a speech showing that he’d like to replace it, but he hasn’t put any details out there. So that is why I conclude I believe it’s going to take place."
Ryan also dismissed the proposal released by Senate Democrats last week, which would replace the sequester for 10 months through a combination of new tax revenues and spending cuts.
“I’d be curious to see if they could actually pass that, number one. Number two, the president got his tax increases last year. He got those higher revenues,” Ryan said. “But taking tax loopholes, what we’ve always advocated is necessary for tax reform, means you’re going to close loopholes to fuel more spending, not to reform the tax code.”