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'Out and proud': Boris Johnson made this confusing Brexit video about gay rights

Mar 24, 2016, 17:01 IST

London Mayor Boris Johnson wears a pink stetson hat at the Gay Pride parade on July 5, 2008 in London, England. The parade consists of celebrities, floats, and performers celebrating the UK's largest gay and lesbian festival.Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Mayor of London Boris Johnson has urged LGBT people to vote to leave the EU because Britain needs to "take back control for LGBT issues." Speaking after the launch of a new group that says it represents LGBT people campaigning for a Brexit, Boris declared "I'm out and I'm proud."


Boris argues that the progressive attitudes British people have towards LGBT issues, originated in Britain and not in the EU. He also is very critical of some EU member states for their bad attitude towards LGBT rights, singling out Poland, Hungary, and Romania as particularly bad offenders.

Last year Poland and Hungary managed to stop an EU ministerial agreement that would have made all EU countries recognise same-sex marriages that had been registered in the European Union.

Here's what Boris said, the added emphasis is ours.

I'm very proud to say, we in Britain have the most progressive attitudes towards LGBT issues anywhere in the world and it's a wonderful thing to see. But let me ask you a question. Did those rights and those freedoms, that spirit, come from the European Union? Or did it come from people campaigning from our courts, our Parliament? It was us, the British people, that created that environment of happiness and contentment for LGBT people and it is absolutely vital that we fight for those rights today because they are under threat in Poland, in Hungary, in Romania, and other parts of the EU where they are not protected in the way they are in our country. What we need is to take back control for LGBT issues and everything else folks. Come on. I'm out and I'm proud.


You can watch the video of Boris below:

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