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'Our hearts and prayers are with you!': Trump offers his condolences to McCain's family after his death

Aug 26, 2018, 06:42 IST

President Donald TrumpMark Wilson/Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump offered his condolences to the family of Sen. John McCain in light of his death on Saturday.
  • McCain died at 4:28 p.m., one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.
  • Trump has been criticized for his feud with McCain, which started after he underplayed the senator's renowned military service.

President Donald Trump offered his condolences to the family of Sen. John McCain after his death on Saturday.

"My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain," Trump said on Twitter. "Our hearts and prayers are with you!"

McCain died on Saturday afternoon, one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.

"Senator John Sidney McCain III died at 4:28pm on August 25, 2018," a statement from McCain's office said. "With the Senator when he passed were his wife Cindy and their family. At his death, he had served the United States of America faithfully for sixty years."


Trump has been criticized for his feud with McCain, which started after he underplayed the senator's renowned military service during the 2016 presidential campaign. McCain, who served in the Vietnam War, spent six years as a prisoner of war.

"He is a war hero because he was captured," Trump said in 2015. "I like people that weren't captured, OK? I hate to tell you."

The president continued to throw subtle jabs at McCain after he voiced his opposition on matters of national security, healthcare, and immigration.

McCain reportedly disinvited to Trump to his funeral, but encouraged former presidents to attend.

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