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One Of The World's Most Famous Value Investors Says He Owns Bitcoin

Mar 28, 2014, 01:05 IST

WealthTrack / YouTubeBill Miller


Former Legg Mason Chairman and Chief Investment Officer Bill Miller has an extraordinary returns record, at one point beating the market for 15-straight years.

And on CNBC Thursday afternoon, he said he personally owns Bitcoins.

"Bitcoin is like a venture investment. It could go to zero, but what's interesting is the addressable market," he said.

That of course flies in the face of fellow investment guru Warren Buffett, who called the longterm potential of Bitcoin "a mirage."


It would also seem to fly in the face of Marc Andreessen's thoughts this week on older white males' appreciation of new technologies.

As we reported earlier today, Bitcoin prices are down about 11% on unconfirmed rumors out of China that the country is banning Bitcoin.

Miller currently serves as portfolio manager of the Legg Mason Opportunity Trust.

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