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One of tech and media's most influential investment bankers shares the 21 books that he read in 2018

Becky Peterson   

One of tech and media's most influential investment bankers shares the 21 books that he read in 2018

Aryeh Bourkoff


LionTree's Aryeh B. Bourkoff shared his 2018 reading list in a memo to staff.

  • One of tech and media's biggest bankers, Aryeh B. Bourkoff, shared his 2018 reading list in a memo to staff.
  • Bourkoff's reading list is filled with business books on management and investment strategy, as well as a few on tech trends. But there's also quite a bit of history and one piece of fiction.
  • Here's what Bourkoff read.

Every year, prominent figures in the tech industry release their predictions for what they see coming in 2019.

Aryeh B. Bourkoff, the tech, media, and telecom banker who founded LionTree Advisors, is one of those figures.

At the end of December, Bourkoff sent a letter to his staff outlining the trends he anticipates as having a huge impact on the work he and his team does in the upcoming year. This year, that's all against the backdrop of ongoing market volatility, which means bankers need to stay on their toes and be ready to change course at a moment's notice.

Still, there are reasons to be optimistic, as we see emerging technologies including 5G in mobile, new tools in the audio space, big developments in space technology, plus brand new industry competition in the direct-to-consumer video space. You can read Bourkoff's full memo here.

While working in the tech industry and rubbing elbows with its movers and shakers is certainly one way to keep your finger on the pulse, Bourkoff shared with his staff another big influence on his world view: books.

Here are the 20 books (and one speech) that informed Bourkoff's thinking in 2018, along with their summaries from Amazon:

See more: The 33-year-old millionaire founder of $3.75 billion Box thinks everyone needs to read these 2 books


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