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Olympic sailing ramp in Rio destroyed by 10-foot waves

Jul 31, 2016, 20:37 IST

Pilar Olivares/Reuters


More bad news for the Olympic water events on the eve of the Rio Olympics as a ramp built for the sailing competition has been destroyed by waves, according to Globo.com.

The temporary structure at the Marina da Gloria, collapsed under the pressure of 3-meter waves after a warning had been issued by the Brazilian Navy.

Here is another view of the damage.

Pilar Olivares/Reuters


According to the report, the company that built the structure has been ordered to perform the repairs. However, as of now, there is no timetable for when the ramp will be operational.

A training session scheduled for Sunday was to go on using a permanent ramp nearby.

Here is what the structure looked like a week prior to the damage.

Michael Heiman/Getty Images

This is just the latest bad news to hit the water sports to be held during the Olympics.


Sailing and rowing teams are taking extra precautions to combat the dirty water that they will be competing. a "super bacteria" was recently discovered in Rio's waters and only 60% of the sewage water is treated before entering the waterways where the athletes will be competing.

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