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Oklahoma City Thunder's plane had a mid-air collision with something that left an enormous dent in the nose

Oct 28, 2017, 23:50 IST

Twitter/Steven Adams

  • The Oklahoma City Thunder's plane is believed to have collided with a bird in mid-flight.
  • Nobody on the plane was injured, however, the plane was left with a huge dent in the nose.

The Oklahoma City Thunder's plane landed safely after a mid-air collision that left a huge dent in the nose of the plane.

The Thunder were traveling to Chicago for their game against the Bulls on Saturday. It is believed that the plane collided with a bird during the flight, according to ABC News. Nobody on the plane was injured.

Thunder forward Patrick Patterson took a video of the damage to the nose of the plane.

Thunder big man Steven Adams also took a photo of the damage and jokingly asked Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, and NASA what could have caused this type of damage 30,000 feet in the air.

Twitter/Steven Adams

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