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OBAMA: 'Yes' The Boy Scouts Should Be Open To Gay Members

Grace Wyler   

OBAMA: 'Yes' The Boy Scouts Should Be Open To Gay Members

obama superbowl

Courtesy of CBS News

President Barack Obama gave a live interview to CBS before the Super Bowl on Sunday, fielding questions on football, women in combat, and whether or not the Boy Scouts should change its policy about gay members.

"Yes." Obama said, when CBS' Scott Pelley asked whether he thinks the Boy Scouts should vote to accept gay members next week. "Gays and lesbians should have access and opportunity ... in every institution."

Earlier in the interview, Obama made similar comments in regards to a question about allowing women to fight in combat, saying that he had no hesitation about the recent decision.

Pelley also touched on the issue of taxes and the budget, asking whether the White House is done raising revenues now that Congress has agreed to increase taxes on those earning more than $400,000 a year.

“There is no doubt we need additional revenue coupled with smart spending reductions," Obama said, mentioning specifically that he believes there is a need to eliminate the carried interest tax loophole.

Pelley kicked off the interview by asking Obama about football safety.

Obama called football "a great sport," but added that there's "no doubt" that concerns about concussions and player safety would make parents hesitate about allowing their children to play.

"For those of us who like to see a big hit and enjoy the rock 'em, sock 'em elements of the game, we're probably going to be occasionally frustrated," Obama said. "But I do think we want to make sure that after people play the game they're going to be okay."

He commended the NFL for taking additional safety precautions recently.

Watch the interview below, courtesy of Now This News:


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