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Obama tells Americans to thank Japan for emojis and anime

Apr 28, 2015, 20:44 IST

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe went to the White House for an official visit and state dinner on Tuesday.


In a speech after Abe arrived, President Barack Obama said the visit was a chance to express gratitude to Japan for some of its most famous cultural exports.

Obama described the occasion as an opportunity for Americans "especially our young people, to say thank you for all the things we love from Japan."

"Like karate and karaoke. Manga and anime. And, of course, emojis," Obama said.

In addition to lauding Japanese animation, technology, and martial arts, Obama praised the country as one of America's "closest allies in the world."


"This visit is a celebration of the ties of friendship and family that bind our peoples," said Obama.

NOW WATCH: Here's what it takes to be President Obama's right-hand man

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