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OBAMA: 'I Have Not Made A Decision' On Syria

Brett LoGiurato   

OBAMA: 'I Have Not Made A Decision' On Syria

Barack Obama PBS


Even as some of his aides create the impression that a military strike on Syria is imminent, President Barack Obama says he has not made a decision on how to proceed.

"I have gotten options from our military," he said in an interview with PBS NewsHour after his speech at the "Let Freedom Ring" event in Washington.

Obama did firmly say, however, that the U.S. has "concluded" that the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad carried out the recent chemical-weapons attack that killed hundreds of people. He cited the need to send a "pretty strong signal" to Assad.

Obama's comments on Syria came about an hour after House Speaker John Boehner wrote him a letter that asked him to outline specific answers to questions about any possible military action.

If "we send a shot across the bow and say stop doing this, that can have a positive impact," Obama said.

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