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Obama Ends The Year With Another All-Time Low Approval Rating

Danny Vinik   

Obama Ends The Year With Another All-Time Low Approval Rating

Barack Obama


It has not been a good year politically for President Obama, and the polls continue to prove it.

A new CNN-ORC International poll finds his approval rating tied for a record low at 41%, the same as it was in November. Meanwhile, 56% disapprove of how he is handling his job as president. That's a massive, 27-point swing over the course of the year. In January, a CNN-ORC International poll had his approval at 55%, while just 43% disapproved.

Even younger voters have soured on the president. Half of 18-34-year-olds disapprove of Obama's job performance, while just 45% approve.

Amongst Independents, it's even worse - twice as many (64%) disapprove.

The president has dealt with a number of controversies this year, including an IRS scandal, the revelation of the some of the National Security Agency's controversial surveillance tactics, and the debate over military action in Syria. More recently, the catastrophic launch of the federal exchange website and the failed Obamacare promise, "If you like your plan, you can keep it," have dominated the news.


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