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NYT Columnist: The NRA Is A Fear Monger And Not A 'Rights' Group

Abby Rogers   

NYT Columnist: The NRA Is A Fear Monger And Not A 'Rights' Group

charles blow nyt column


Charles Blow

As the gun debate rages on, a New York Times columnist suggests we have to drastically change our way of thinking about the NRA if we want anything to change.

And the first step, according to the Times' Visual Op-Ed Columnist Charles Blow, is to stop confusing Constitutional rights with groups preying on an excitable public.

"First, let’s fix some of the terminology: stop calling groups like the National Rifle Association a 'gun rights' group," Blow wrote in an op-ed published Wednesday. "These are anti-regulation, pro-proliferation groups. They prey on public fears — of the 'bad guys with guns,' of a Second Amendment rollback, of an ever imminent apocalypse — while helping gun makers line their pockets."

Blow goes on to detail his plan for reframing the gun debate, including implementing stricter oversight rules and not allowing assault weapons to infiltrate society.

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