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NY Ranger Brad Richards Talks Lobster Fishing, Leadership And How The Business Of Hockey Has Changed

Amanda Macias,Linette Lopez   

NY Ranger Brad Richards Talks Lobster Fishing, Leadership And How The Business Of Hockey Has Changed
Finance1 min read

Whether you a player on the field, or crunching number at headquarters, it's impossible to forget that sports are a business. In the most recent OneWire Open Door interview, Brad Richards, center and alternate captain for the New York Rangers, sits down with OneWire CEO Skiddy von Stade to discuss how the business side of the NHL has changed since he joined the league.

"A lot of players have taken to Twitter, Facebook and websites to try to grow individually in their team and get more fans involved. I think it's really reached out and you get a lot more kids now that aren't going to stay up every night and watch the games but they can watch highlights and interact with you somehow on social media, that's the biggest change I've seen in the business in hockey since I've been around."

What doesn't change, but what is most required to get through changes like this, is great leadership.

"The biggest thing I always got from my leaders," according to Richards, "was the passion and fun they still had for the game. My captain was 41 years old when he retired but he still was out there every day having a blast, and I see players where it's not like that and their game suffers."

What makes the NHL is a different kind of business, though, is the fact that it's so elite. Everyone who's in it knows there are thousands of other people dying to take their spot, and working hard for it every day.

"There are only 700 of us in the world so to be able to do this for a living, perform here in New York and MSG, you have to really savor it and bring that fun, youthful passion every day."

Watch the full interview below and watch the interview series on OneWire.


