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Now You Can Jailbreak Your iPhone 5 And iPad Mini

Feb 4, 2013, 22:35 IST

Kevin Smith, Business InsiderA new jailbreak for the latest version of the iOS operating system for iPhones will be available today, according to a tweet from jailbreaker Planetbeing.


Keep your eye on that Twitter account for more updates on how to get the jailbreak.

Jailbreaking your phone gives you access to a special app store called Cydia that's full of apps that Apple wouldn't normally approve. You also get more customization options and settings.

Update: The jailbreak for the latest version of iOS, version 6.1, is live now. That means you can jailbreak your iPhone 5 and iPad Mini.

You can head to a jailbreaking site called evasi0on to try it.


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