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North Korea's 'Arirang' Mass Games Looked Utterly Splendid

North Korea's 'Arirang' Mass Games Looked Utterly Splendid

You can not deny this about North Korea: It knows how to do pageantry and spectacle. has the latest out of North Korean state news agency KCNA regarding a huge artistic and gymnastics performance that was put on yesterday.

The grand gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang", a winner of Kim Il Sung Prize, splendidly opened in May Day Stadium on Monday to mark the 60th anniversary of the victory in the great Fatherland Liberation War. Among the audience were Pak Pong Ju, Kim Ki Nam, Choe Thae Bok and other officials of party, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions as well as service personnel, people in Pyongyang, overseas Koreans and foreign guests.

Kim Yong Jin, vice premier of the Cabinet, made an opening speech. When the light melodies of music "Our Victory-Day July 27" resounded through the stadium, letters reading "7. 27" and "60" were displayed on the foreground and background of the stadium. Spectacular scenes were presented, depicting heroic soldiers during the Fatherland Liberation War backed by effects of the colorful light rhythms, lighting and flame fireworks. The performers praised Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, an invincible and iron-willed commander and legendary hero who made a long journey of anti-Japanese bloody struggle and accomplished the historic cause of the national liberation and defeated the U.S. that boasted of being the "strongest" in the world. They also paid respects to the great war victors.

Via Reuters, here are some scenes from the action.

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