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North Korea Denies Involvement In The Sony Hack

North Korea Denies Involvement In The Sony Hack

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North Korea has officially denied that it was involved in the massive hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment, one of Hollywood's biggest studios, according to Voice of America.

When a government spokesman was initially asked about the hack, he refused to deny North Korea's involvement, saying "wait and see."

But a North Korean diplomat in New York told Voice of America on Wednesday that the country had nothing to do with the hack, according to the news service.

The anonymous official said: "Linking the DPRK to the Sony hacking is another fabrication targeting the country. My country publicly declared that it would follow international norms banning hacking and piracy."

Although North Korea has officially denied involvement, the hack might have been carried out be third parties in China who are working on North Korea's behalf. Re/code reported last week that Sony and security consultants are investigating that theory, and Sony said Wednesday that the company thinks North Korea is responsible for the hack.

The new Seth Rogen and James Franco film "The Interview," a comedy about two men sent on a mission to assassinate North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, is believed to be why the hack took place, since North Korea previously sought to stop Sony from releasing the film.

The size and scope of the recent hack of Sony Pictures is unprecedented for a major US company. Hackers shut down Sony's systems and then released an estimated 11 terabytes of data.

Data released in the hack includes employee salaries, disciplinary records, performance reviews, and films that have not yet been released in theaters.


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