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Nominate The Most Creative Women In Advertising

Katie Richards   

Nominate The Most Creative Women In Advertising
Advertising1 min read

Susan Credle, Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett's Susan Credle made last year's list and is behind Allstate's Mayhem character.

As Cannes has come to a close and the EFFIE awards have been handed out, Business Insider wants to meet the amazing women behind these creative campaigns.

We are asking everyone in the advertising world to send their nominations for the most creative women in the industry. We want women who have helped create some of the most iconic ads of the year, as Susan Credle and Lauren Connolly did when they topped our list in 2013.

This includes everyone from copywriters to art directors to creative technologists to entrepreneurs. Any woman whose hard work inspires and excites you.

Email your nominations to and by Friday July 11. Not sure who to nominate? Well here is what we're looking for:

  • Ideally we would like you to name TWO of the most creative and inspiring women from your agency. Please include a head shot, a short note about why you think these women deserve a spot on the list, and include links to their work.
  • Also, please send the name of one woman who DOES NOT work at your agency. This should be someone who you think does some awesome, creative, inspiring things. Think of someone you'd love to have on your team or someone you would love to work with in the future. That way, we can avoid self-serving nominations. This information will be confidential as well.

Here's a look at last year's list and our 30 Most Creative Under 30 list for more inspiration.


