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NFL WEEK 9: Our official predictions for who wins this weekend

Nov 3, 2017, 04:04 IST

Andy Lyons/Getty Images


Gambling is a fickle pursuit - one minute you're on top of the world, and the next everything is falling apart.

Case in point: In the midst of the best gambling season of my young career, last week I was just one game away from the worst gambling Sunday of my life, going an absolutely dismal 3-9-1 against the spread. There are excuses I could make - I lost two games by just a point each and another game by just two. Swing those the other way and we eek out a winning record.

But that's not what the fates allowed, and one thing about gambling is that once your money is down, it's down, and whether or not you get it back is only up to the gods.

So we're back on the horse this week. Despite sustaining tough losses last week, we're still ahead on the season, and with the Patriots and Browns both on bye this week, I won't be pulled in by the Siren's song that is betting against and on them respectively. Let's find some winners.


All lines are courtesy of the Westgate Las Vegas Superbook.

LAST WEEK: 3-9-1
OVERALL: 61-54-4

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