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Newt Gingrich Blasts Karl Rove's New Super-PAC: It's 'Dangerous' And A 'Terrible Idea'

Brett LoGiurato   

Newt Gingrich Blasts Karl Rove's New Super-PAC: It's 'Dangerous' And A 'Terrible Idea'

Newt Gingrich Karl Rove


Former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is going on the offensive over Karl Rove's new Super-PAC, blasting Rove in both an op-ed in Human Events and in an appearance on CBS "This Morning" on Wednesday.

"Terrible idea," Gingrich said on CBS. "We don’t want to become a party in which a handful of political bosses gather up money from billionaires in order to destroy the candidates they don’t like, and that’s what you’re talking about."

"When you get involved in these kind of primary fights it’s almost all negative advertising and it's all by outsiders. I think this is a very dangerous model. The fact is, last year we lost nine U.S. Senate races we could have won. There’s some very deep rethinking we need to do as a party, but it isn't gathering up more money by Washington consultants for them to try to hand-pick, across all 50 states, the people they think should be in the U.S. Senate."

Gingrich said Rove's Super-PAC was a dangerous model because he feels it repeats many of the failed lessons from the 2012 campaign.

Rove's new Super-PAC will attempt to filter out Republican primary candidates that it deems unelectable in a general election.

The Obama campaign, Gingrich said, was "about eight years or 10 years ahead of the Republican party in very fundamental effort to understand the country."

"This is a country which is in many ways younger, more Latino, more Asian-American and African-American than Republican strategists are capable of dealing with, and as a result in many ways we're going to be non-competitive at the presidential level," he added.

Watch the clip below, courtesy of CBS:


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