scorecardOn World Rhino Day, here’s a look at five endangered species of Rhino
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On World Rhino Day, here’s a look at five endangered species of Rhino

BI India Bureau   

On World Rhino Day, here’s a look at five endangered species of Rhino
  • At the beginning of the 19th century, there were 1 million rhinos left, however, that figure has now dwindled to only 27,000.
  • For years, poachers have hunted them illegally for its horns, which are used in ornamental carvings and medicine.
  • The five endangered species of rhinos include Javan rhino, Sumatran rhino, Greater one-horned rhino, Black rhino and White rhino.
A million wildlife species are witnessing a drastic decline in its population and are at the brink of extinction around the world.

Among these wildlife animals are Rhino. They have been around for over 40 million years. From 1 million rhinos at the beginning of the 19th century, they have dwindled to a mere 27,000 now.

For years, poachers have hunted them illegally for its horns, which are used in ornamental carvings and medicine. Some of the traditional medicine practitioners also believe in the myth that rhino horns are capable of curing cancer and impotency.

Experts believe it will be very difficult to revive the population if we fail to save them now.

On World Rhino Day, take a look at five endangered species of Rhino — three of which are 'critically endangered.'
