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New Yorker magazine goes Russian with cover skewering Trump and Putin

Feb 24, 2017, 17:26 IST

The New Yorker magazine's latest cover uses their iconic mascot to skewer the relationship between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


"In a riff on the magazine's first cover, from 1925, by Rea Irvin, [artist Barry Blitt] imagines a future in which our dandy mascot has become Eustace Vladimirovich Tilley and the lepidopteran under scrutiny is none other than a stunned Donald Trump," New Yorker art director Françoise Mouly writes as an introduction to the cover.

Mouly also notes that this issue features a sizeable investigation into the two presidents' ties, with the subtitle, "Trump, Putin, and the new Cold War."

Here's the cover of the New Yorker's newest issue:



And for comparison, here is the magazine's first issue from 1925, featuring mascot-to-be Eustace Tilley:

Via Wikipedia

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