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New Photos Show The Nighttime Shootout Between Police And The Boston Bombing Suspects

Apr 23, 2013, 18:56 IST

Andrew Kitzenberg, the founder of OnHand, has published a stunning new firsthand account of Thursday's shootout in Boston between police and suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.


Andrew gave us permission to run a couple of the photos, but you should check out the full account on the company's blog.

This first photo shows the brothers taking aim at the officers right outside of Kitzenberg's window. Kitzenberg writes:

The red circle highlights the pressure cooker bomb that was used just moments after this photo was taken. The use of this explosive created an enormous cloud of smoke that covered the entire street. While the street was still cloudy with smoke one of the brothers started running down the street towards the officers, while still engaging them in gunshots. As he got closer to the officers, within 10 -15 yards of them he was taken down. From my vantage point I did not see whether he was tackled to the ground or brought down by gunshots.


The second photo is of the aftermath. After the shootout was over, Kitzenberg's roommate found a bullet hole that had penetrated through his wall and desk chair:

OnHand has developed a line of Boston-themed wristbands in the wake of last week's attacks. All proceeds will be given to The One Fund Boston Inc. to help people affected by the tragedy.

Check out the full photo set here >

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