It will start offering the shoe by arrangement on December 1 at a cost of $720 (~Rs 49,700). Probably shoes like these use parts which Nike has just barely started manufacturing, however as they get to be cheaper to produce, we'll see self-lacing sneakers at the flip side of the market. For the time, this is the thing that you'd be getting in case you're willing to part with your $720 bucks:
Notwithstanding the glowing sole and self-lacing part, there are additionally LEDs on the sneaker's heel to show power levels. At the point when the sneaker's sole and heel LEDs are blue, you have a full charge, when they're yellow you have a few more days of power left and when they turn red you need an immediate charge.
Once more, the price is really phenomenal for a sneaker, yet if you take a gander look at it in the same category as a smartphone or pair of high-end headphones, the price for the tech-powered shoes may feel more reasonable.