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Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher is on trial for allegedly murdering a prisoner of war. Another SEAL just confessed to the killing in bombshell testimony

Ryan Pickrell   

Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher is on trial for allegedly murdering a prisoner of war. Another SEAL just confessed to the killing in bombshell testimony

Chief Special Warfare Operator Edward

  • Navy Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher is standing trial for allegedly stabbing an unarmed prisoner to death, firing on innocent civilians, and obstruction of justice.
  • Amid testimony from his fellow Navy SEALs, one unexpectedly confessed to killing the prisoner Gallagher is accused of murdering.
  • Corey Scott, according to Andrew Dyer of the San Diego Union Tribune, said that while Gallagher stabbed the boy in the neck, it was he that killed him by holding his hand over the breathing tube and asphyxiating the prisoner.
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In a shocking twist in the war crimes trial of Navy Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, a fellow SEAL who was called to testify admitted that it was he, not the defendant, who killed the prisoner of war Gallagher is accused of murdering, according to Andrew Dyer, a reporter with the San Diego Union Tribune.

Gallagher is on trial in San Diego for allegedly killing an unarmed ISIS fighter with a hunting knife and firing on civilians with a sniper rifle while deployed in Iraq, as well as intimidating fellow SEALs. He has pleaded not guilty, and now his fate is in the hands of the jury.

On Tuesday, Navy prosecutors presented a text message sent by the defendant showing a photo of Gallagher posing with the body of the ISIS prisoner, a teenage boy. The accompanying message read: "Good story behind this, got him with my hunting knife."

Two of his former comrades, Dylan Dille and Craig Miller, took the stand at Gallagher's court martial Wednesday.

Miller said while a medical team that included Gallagher was treating the boy, he saw Gallagher suddenly stab the prisoner in the neck, "right here on the right side in the jugular vein." Dille testified Wednesday that Gallagher later confronted teammates who were upset about the incident, telling them that "this was just an ISIS dirtbag."

On Thursday, another SEAL testified that while Gallagher stabbed the prisoner, it wasn't Gallagher that actually killed him. Navy SEAL Corey Scott said that he put his hand over the tracheal tube and suffocated the captured ISIS fighter, who was believed to be about 15 years old.

Scott testified with granted immunity, meaning that he cannot be charged with a crime for his confession. It is unclear how his testimony will affect the direction of the trial or the charges against Gallagher, but it is another unexpected development in a high-profile case full of twist and turns.


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