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MSNBC's New Weekend Host Goes Off On How Much He Hates Netflix's 'House Of Cards'

Mar 22, 2013, 04:23 IST

At a Salon panel on film and politics Wednesday night, I asked MSNBC's new weekend host Steve Kornacki what he thought about "House of Cards," the new Netflix original series about Beltway intrigue that has become an obsession among D.C. media-types.


His response was both impassioned and hilarious. Among his complaints:

  • Kevin Spacey and his character, House Majority Whip Francis Underwood. Kornacki has a problem with Spacey's Southern accent, and the idea that a Democrat would ever represent a southern state in 2013.
  • The "basic idea that every political decision made everywhere in America emanates from D.C."

Watch the video below, courtesy of Salon (spoiler alert):

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