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Motorola Confirms Through Job Posting That It's Working On A Top-Secret 'X Phone' With Google

Feb 1, 2013, 01:29 IST

ScreenshotMotorola CEO Dennis Woodside.Motorola posted a job opening on LinkedIn this week searching for a product manager for an upcoming smartphone called the X Phone.


If that sounds familiar, it's because the WSJ reported in December that Google and Motorola are working together on a new flagship phone with the same name. Phandroid first discovered the job posting, but Motorola has since removed it.

According to the WSJ's report, the X Phone will be the result of a direct collaboration between Google and Motorola. Google finalized its $12.5 billion purchase of Motorola last year, but has publicly said it wasn't interested in developing hardware.

The WSJ report and Motorola's recent job posting don't agree.

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