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Mother Receives Gutting Letter From Son - 18 Months After His Death

Caroline Moss   

Mother Receives Gutting Letter From Son - 18 Months After His Death
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A grieving mother in Tennessee received a surprising gift when she checked the mail on Mother's Day weekend.

It was a letter from her youngest son, Cameron, who died in January 2013 when he was hit by a truck. He was 17 years old.

Cameron Teen

The Tennessean

Sharp has been grieving his death for 18 months. Holidays, especially Mother's Day, are especially hard for her.

But this year, Sharp opened the mailbox to find this letter, a 30-word paragraph written in pencil, written by a younger Cameron in 2007 to his future, teenage self:

It reads:

Dear Cameron. On this day my brother will graduate from middle school. On the same day I watched the movie Night at the Museum. My favorite teacher is Mr. Cawood.

"I wasn't looking forward to Mother's Day, and then we got that letter and it did make it special," Gail Sharp told The Tennessean.

Cameron wrote the short letter in class on May 22, 2007; an assignment from his middle school teacher Dale Caldwell.

Caldwell told The Tennessean he assigned his students the letter, asking them to write down the things they love in life, and the goals they had for themselves in the future. Then, Caldwell would mail them their letters in May 2014 - the month they would graduate from high school.

Gail Sharp said she's so happy Caldwell decided to send along Cameron's letter, though he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

"I always thought his penmanship was atrocious. I always told him that he needs to practice on his penmanship, but looking at it now it's a treasure to us," Sharp said.

Cameron's mother said she plans to put the letter in a memorial book dedicated to the memory of her son.

Cameron Teen

The Tennessean

