Ticker: AEP
Market Cap: $33.8 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $67
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: -0.5%
Source: Morgan Stanley
Ticker: FE
Market Cap: $17.24 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $36
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 2.2%
Ticker: NEE
Market Cap: $79.01 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $169
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 2.4%
Ticker: NEP
Market Cap: $2.57 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $48
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 6%
Ticker: PCG
Market Cap: $23.12 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $58
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 36%
Ticker: PEG
Market Cap: $27.56 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $57
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 6.5%
Ticker: XEL
Market Cap: $22.97 billion
Morgan Stanley's price target: $46
% to Morgan Stanley's price target: 4.6%