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Morgan Stanley just announced 156 new managing directors

Portia Crowe   

Morgan Stanley just announced 156 new managing directors

Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley just released a list of its newest managing directors.

This year's list includes 156 names, up from 151 last year.

Thirty-three, or 21%, of the new MDs are women, which is on par with last year, according to a spokesperson.

54% of the class works in the Institutional Securities - that is, investment banking and sales and trading - division, up from 52% last year.

Here is the breakdown by region:

  • 62% of the new MDs work in the US - down from 64% last year.
  • 21% work in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa - down from 26% last year.
  • 17% of the new MD class works in Asia - up from 13% last year.

Goldman Sachs named 425 new managing directors in November. That firm promotes new managing directors every two years, as opposed to every year.

Morgan Stanley last week reported fourth-quarter earnings that beat expectations. The disastrous fixed income, currencies, and commodities division, however, missed expectations and was down year-on-year. The firm began cutting 25% of its fixed income headcount late last year.

Earlier this month, Greg Fleming, the president of the Morgan Stanley's prized wealth-management business, left the firm.

Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman took a 6.7% pay cut for 2015.

Here's the 2016 managing director list:

Alex Abagian Maged Hassan Josh Myerberg
Juan A. Abril Amay Hattangadi Rani Nazim
Tobias Åkermark David Haydon Robert Newton
Shotaro Akita Jeffrey W. Hibbard Pawan Kumar Passi
Carlos Andrade Julie Hobbs Aden R. Pavkov
Michael Asmar Kelly Holliday Stuart Perilstein
Dave Atheis Tommy Hsu Tom Perry
Vanessa Barboni Adriano Ieva Murat Pinhas
Frederick Barnfield Scott Ince Tim Pubins
Scott A. Beicke Phillip Hugh Ingle Roopak Radia
James Belsey Michael Jabara Harish Rajaram
Kwasi Benneh Daniel Jacobson Adam Richmond
Hemant Bhangale Raj Jain Nikki Rush
Arnaud Blanchard Vikrant Jain Yacine Saidji
Javier Bocos Nigel James Nicola Savoini
Lauren Boyman Grant Jonas Bob Schulz
Robert John Frederick Brass Matthew Jones Junaid Shah
Selma Bueno Adam Josephart Brenda Sirena
Eduardo Cabal Kara Julian Richard V. Slater
Sherrese A. Clarke-Soares Karn Karuhadej Matthew A. Slaughter
Nathan Coelen Dov B. Katz David Solganik
Michael Cohen Jeffrey M. Kaufman Darren Spencer
Matthew R. Collins Ingrid M. Keag Patrick Standaert
Kim W. Cross Kelly Hyeeun Kim Frank Keith Stepan, Jr.
Constantine Nicholas Darras Timothy Knierim Maxime Stévignon
Jake Dennison Michelle Kong Matthew Philip Stillwell
Alberto Donzelli Alex Kornfeld Claire Anita Storey
Carl Dooley Katherine Koutsantonis Jeffrey Sun
James Doyle Arek S. Kurkciyan Susan Xun Sun
Kempton Dunn III Calvin Lam Yuichiro Suzuki
David M. Dwek Robert Richard Lee Kalpana Telikepali
Jeffrey Eckelman Young C. Lee Radha Thillainatesan
Carlos Egea Satnam S. Lehal Yan Tordoff
Keren Ehrenfeld Daniel Leiter Thomas P. Torrisi
Jason S. English Jan P. Lennertz Jeffrey A. Turner
Gregg Erspamer Che King Leo Lisa Vaillencourt
Paul Fitzgerald Chris Lipscomb Jerry Valletta
Desmond Foong Barra Ross Little Bryan VanDyke
Gerald Forey Ivan Mallardi Keith Weiss
Daryl Francis Neha Champaneria Markle Tom Wills
Casey D. Galligan Javier Martinez de Olcoz Cerdan Isabelle Halphen Winkles
Rahul Gautam Gautier Martin-Regnier Jessica Wright
Amy Gelfand Rajat Kishore Mathur Tao Wu
Christina Gili Daniel McCormick Gangqiang Xia
Massimiliano Gino Gregory McMullen Shinya Yamamoto
Rohit Goenka Catherine McNulty Jack Yeung
Joyce Tavoulareas Neil H. Mehta Christopher M. Yonan
James Grafton Gillian Meth Rina Yoshikawa
Anthony Greco Andrew J. Millest May Yu
Bart Gysens Sunil Mody Olga Zeltser
Eric Hahne Rany Moubarak Michael Zezas
Michael James Harris Kristen Murphy Dennis Zhang

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