REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
German Chancellor
Meanwhile in Europe, Germany is in campaign mode with parliamentary elections coming in June.
Everyone expects Chancellor Angela Merkel to see a big victory.
But Morgan Stanley's Hans Redeker argues that the conflict in Syria, the parliamentary elections in Germany, and the direction of the
Here's Redeker in his FX Morning note:
Syria and the German election. The escalation of the Syrian conflict comes at an unwelcome time for Chancellor Merkel, so far running a successful election campaign. German public opinion is against any German involvement in the conflict. In 2002, it was Chancellor Schroeder’s anti-Iraq war rhetoric winning him the election. International military conflicts at election times tend to support Germany’s political left, thus reducing Merkel’s chances of continuing the CDU/FDP coalition with the current margin. Should Merkel fail to secure a majority with her current junior coalition partner, the FDP, then we believe that EUR will develop a temporary rally. Hence, an escalation of the Syrian conflict has the potential to lift EUR.