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More Than 80 Saint Mary's University Students Will Undergo Sensitivity Training After Chanting About Underage Sex

More Than 80 Saint Mary's University Students Will Undergo Sensitivity Training After Chanting About Underage Sex

More than 80 students at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada will undergo sensitivity training after an offensive chant condoning rape and underage sex was posted on Instagram, according to CBC News.

Students told CBC that the chant - led by a group of SMU orientation leaders during "frosh week" - has been a tradition at the school for years. The video shows a group of men and women saying, "SMU boys we like them young ... Y is for your sister, O is for oh so tight, U is for underage, N is for no consent, G is for grab that a**."

A spokesman for SMU told Global News that the chant differs every year, and this year's version "was more sexually charged than earlier chants" and that it's "certainly the last year the chant will be sung."

All the students involved have apologized, and the 80 frosh week student leaders - as well as the Saint Mary's University student union executive board - will receive sensitivity training. The executive board will also attend a conference on sexual violence and consent next week.

Check out video of the chant below:


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