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More Than 80% Of Facebook's Daily Users Are Mobile

Jan 29, 2015, 03:52 IST

Facebook reported earnings for its fiscal fourth quarter of 2014 on Wednesday. It made $3.85 billion in revenue last quarter, a 49% increase year-over-year, beating analysts' expectations of $3.77 billion. Facebook said nearly 70% of its $3.59 billion in ad revenue came from mobile, which was reflected by the company's breakdown of its daily active users.


Based on company data charted for us by BI Intelligence, Facebook logged an average of 890 million daily active users in December 2014, an increase of 18% year-over-year. But more than 80% of those active users were accessing the site from mobile devices like phones and tablets. That's pretty impressive when you consider that Facebook only launched ads, as well as its mobile platform, in 2007. In just seven years, the company has built a thriving and lucrative mobile community for its 1.39 billion monthly active users.

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