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Mobile Retail Is All The Buzz - These Are The Three Big Retailers That Actually Get It

Mar 18, 2014, 20:01 IST


A good deal of retail sales are now happening on mobile. And browsing for item on smartphones and tablets is even more common.


Retailers have been talking about the "mobile channel" for a while now, recognizing that they can't afford to ignore the potential upside from mobile engagement. But some retailers have moved faster than others to build a mobile audience.

At BI Intelligence, we looked at the most effective retailers on mobile, and found that Amazon, eBay, and Wal-Mart have done far and away the best job of encouraging customers to shop and research on their smartphones and tablets. Mobile-only users account for one-fourth to one-third of the total U.S. digital audience for each of these retailers.

In the report, BI Intelligence examines why these retailers been so successful on mobile. They have treated mobile as a means of engaging with consumers and reaching out to them in new ways, with features like app loyalty programs and image recognition technology. We look at the statistics behind eBay and Amazon's transition from PC-based e-commerce to the mobile computing era. Their success wasn't a given. And we look at one of the biggest surprises among the group: Wal-Mart, primarily an offline retailer, moved faster in mobile than it did in PC-based e-commerce.

Access The Full Report And Data By Signing Up For A Free Trial Today »


Here are some of the most important facts about the Big Three mobile retailers:

The report is full of charts and datasets that can be easily downloaded and put to use.

In full, the report:

For full access to the report on The Big Three In Mobile Commerce, sign up for a free trial subscription today.

Disclosure: Jeff Bezos is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions.
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