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Mitch McConnell explained what irks him most about 'Professor' Obama

Jun 6, 2016, 22:50 IST

Mitch McConnell during an interview with Business Insider.Business Insider

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he can't stand being lectured by President Barack Obama.

During an interview with Business Insider last week to promote his newly released memoir, "The Long Game," the Senate majority leader went into detail about what he considered the president's most "irritating" characteristic.

"In every class along the way," he said, there was a kid "that thought he was the smartest guy in the room and needed to share that with you on a frequent basis. I know the president's a smart guy, but I always thought it was a waste of time for him to try and describe what I felt in my presence."

In his book, McConnell referred to the president as "Professor Obama." He wrote that at least on one occasion, he watched an inning of baseball while Obama talked on the phone about a negotiation.

"It was a grating and irritating characteristic that many of us had to endure, which is why the guy to negotiate with in the administration was the vice president and not the president," McConnell said of Joe Biden. "He didn't waste any time trying to convince me of things I didn't believe in and I didn't try to convince him either."


McConnell, who has led the charge against Obama in a number of battles throughout the president's tenure - conceded that the president's a "very smart guy" but added that he's tired of the "incessant lectures."

"When I've been around the president, he's not really interested in listening," he said. "He's more interested in his point of view, which by the way I always knew before I went into the discussion. He wouldn't put it this way but he wanted to turn us into a Western European country, and he has."

Watch part of Business Insider's interview with McConnell below:

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