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Missy Franklin Is 4-For-4 In Her Quest To Win 7 Gold Medals At The World Championships

Aug 2, 2013, 01:24 IST

Getty ImagesKatie Ledecky, Shannon Vreeland, Karlee Delane Bispo, and Missy FranklinMissy Franklin is now more than halfway to her goal of becoming the first woman ever to win seven gold medals at the World Swimming Championships after anchoring the United States in the 4x200 freestyle.


The U.S. trailed Australia by a full body length when Franklin entered the pull at the start of his anchor leg (see video below). But by the time the two swimmers reached the wall at the end of their first 50 meters, Franklin had already caught up to Alicia Coutts and eventually cruised to an easy win.

No woman has ever won more than five gold medals or more than six medals overall at the World Championships. She was originally entered in eight events trying to equal Michael Phelps record of eight gold medals, but eventually cut back to seven events.

Here is Franklin's fourth gold. Franklin's leg starts at the 3:50 mark...


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