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  4. Trump just promised to end the HIV epidemic. This map shows the areas of the US that are home to the most people living with the disease.

Trump just promised to end the HIV epidemic. This map shows the areas of the US that are home to the most people living with the disease.

AIDSVu gets its data from state and city health departments that collect information on a local level. This map looks at the number of new HIV diagnoses, with darker purple denoting more diagnoses in a given county.

Trump just promised to end the HIV epidemic. This map shows the areas of the US that are home to the most people living with the disease.
Slideshows1 min read

By mapping HIV rates on a local level, public health officials can get insight into which groups might need more attention (based on geography or demographics).

By mapping HIV rates on a local level, public health officials can get insight into which groups might need more attention (based on geography or demographics).

The southern states of the US are disproportionately affected by HIV, accounting for 45% of all people living with HIV in the US as well as half of all new diagnoses as of 2016. For instance, in 2015, 615 of every 100,000 people living in Florida were living with HIV.

The southern states of the US are disproportionately affected by HIV, accounting for 45% of all people living with HIV in the US as well as half of all new diagnoses as of 2016. For instance, in 2015, 615 of every 100,000 people living in Florida were living with HIV.

Source: AIDSVu

One age group is experiencing a disproportionate amount of new diagnoses in recent years: Those between the ages of 13 and 24. In 2015, new diagnoses in this age group accounted for a quarter of all new diagnoses. Here's what the number of cases of HIV looks like across the country for 13 to 24 year olds (though in some counties the data was not released).

One age group is experiencing a disproportionate amount of new diagnoses in recent years: Those between the ages of 13 and 24. In 2015, new diagnoses in this age group accounted for a quarter of all new diagnoses. Here

Source: AIDSVu

In addition to providing a breakdown of HIV prevalence in the US, the project also maps out where testing centers are, as well as where people can get access to preventive treatments. The CDC recommends people between 13 and 64 get tested at least once.

In addition to providing a breakdown of HIV prevalence in the US, the project also maps out where testing centers are, as well as where people can get access to preventive treatments. The CDC recommends people between 13 and 64 get tested at least once.

Click around the AIDSVu website to see more.

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