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These are the White House senior staffers who have - so far - kept their jobs in the Trump administration

Kellyanne Conway, Senior Counselor

These are the White House senior staffers who have - so far - kept their jobs in the Trump administration

Johnny DeStefano, Counselor to the President

Johnny DeStefano, Counselor to the President

Johny DeStefano initally ran the White House's Office of Personnel but now has several other roles, including overseeing the Office of Political Affairs and the Office of Public Liason. According to POLITICO, DeStefano, who has more government experience than many of his White House colleagues, has kept his White House position for so long because he is "nice to everyone."

Dan Scavino, Social Media Director

Dan Scavino, Social Media Director

Dan Scavino, the White House's social media director, first met Trump at one of the president's golf courses, where he worked as a caddie as a teenager.

Conway told NPR that Scavino "occupies such a unique role and such a trusted role."

"He really is the man behind the mission — the mission of this president to communicate directly with America," she said.

Jason Greenblatt, Middle East Envoy

Jason Greenblatt, Middle East Envoy

Jason Greenblatt, a lawyer, has also survived rounds of firings in the White House. Greenblatt now oversees the US' relationship with the Middle East. Before joining the White House, Greenblatt was the executive vice president of the Trump Organization, as well as the chief legal officer to President Trump.

Keith Kellogg, National Security Adviser to the Vice President

Keith Kellogg, National Security Adviser to the Vice President

Keith Kellogg is, according to Axios, "a man the president loves." Before working as National Security Adviser to Mike Pence, Kellogg was the chief of staff at the National Security Council. He was also in charge of the presidential transition agency action team for defense.

Jared Kushner, Senior Adviser

Jared Kushner, Senior Adviser

Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, is married to Ivanka Trump (also a presidential adviser) and has been tasked with brokering peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, making deals with other countries (notably, Canada and Mexico) and improving governmental efforts in regards to the opiod crisis and Veterans Affairs, among other roles.

He has been credited with tirelessly pushing the president and congressional Republicans to pass the First Step Act, a major piece of criminal justice reform legislation.

In her interview with NPR, Conway characterized Kushner as having "a very quiet demeanor that belies an incredibly strong will and robust intellect."

Stephen Miller, Senior Adviser

Stephen Miller, Senior Adviser

Stephen Miller has been with Donald Trump since his campaign days. Also Trump's speechwriter, Miller was the architect of Trump's infamous zero-tolerance policy, which separated children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border. Before becoming a major figure in the White House, though, Miller was an outspoken conservative activist in high school and college who worked on congressional campaigns.

Peter Navarro, Director of Trade

Peter Navarro, Director of Trade

Peter Navarro, Trump's ultra-protectionist trade adviser, is an economist and former Democrat who is now overseeing the White House's Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy. Navarro has been highly critical of Germany and China and, according to The Atlantic, is "among the most important generals in Trump’s trade war" — despite not being in the Cabinet.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Press Secretary

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of politician Mike Huckabee, began her time at the White House as deputy press secretary under the now long-gone Sean Spicer. She is frequently tasked with defending many of the Trump Administration's controversial policies and the president's statements. Through her tenure, she has become increasingly combative with White House reporters and has been a frequent user of the term "fake news."

Ivanka Trump, first daughter and Adviser to the President

Ivanka Trump, first daughter and Adviser to the President

Ivanka Trump, the president's oldest daughter, also serves as his adviser. Though she didn't get a formal White House title until March 2017, Ivanka has stood by her father's side since early in his campaign. The first daughter was recently caught using her personal email for government affairs.

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