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The most spectacular places on the planet that have the most to lose as humans reshape the world

Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

The most spectacular places on the planet that have the most to lose as humans reshape the world

Iguaçu National Park, Brazil (and Iguazu National Park, Argentina)

Iguaçu National Park, Brazil (and Iguazu National Park, Argentina)

IUCN Status: Threatened

There are a number of threats to these falls at the border of Brazil and Argentina, including invasive species, hunting, logging, water pollution, dams, and climate change.

Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia

Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, Indonesia

IUCN Status: Critical

Development and deforestation, especially by palm oil harvesters, has put the rainforests of Sumatra in critical condition.

Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China

Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China

IUCN Status: Threatened

These pillars, cliffs, waterfalls, and forests in China's Hunan province were made famous as the backdrop of the film "Avatar." But infrastructure development, tourism, and air and water pollution are all threatening the region.

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Great Barrier Reef, Australia

IUCN Status: Threatened

Thought the Great Barrier Reef was most recently categorized by IUCN as threatened, the situation for both the Great Barrier and most reefs overall could be even worse than this.

Recent studies have shown that half the reef was killed off by bleaching events linked to climate change and ocean acidification in just the last few years. Experts think this and other coral reefs around the world could all be dead within decades without action to cut emissions.

Virunga National Park, The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Virunga National Park, The Democratic Republic of the Congo

IUCN Status: Critical

Some of the most significant threats to natural sights in Africa are from legal and illegal hunting, logging, invasive species, and climate change. Virunga, the most biodiverse park in Africa, is also under threat from conflict and oil development.

Western Ghats, India

Western Ghats, India

IUCN Status: Threatened

The fact that this is still one of the most biodiverse places in the world despite "tremendous population pressure both within and surrounding" is "extraordinary," according the World Heritage Outlook. Development and forest loss are extreme sources of stress now, but climate change — along with the changes that brings to the monsoon — are expected to exacerbate existing problems.

Research shows that climate change is making the monsoon less predictable and shorter, with less rain, which would affect biodiverse hotspots and agriculture.

Península Valdés, Argentina

Península Valdés, Argentina

IUCN Status: Threatened

Tourism, agriculture, fishing, and whale mortality are stressing this beautiful part of the Patagonian coast.

Everglades National Park, USA

Everglades National Park, USA

IUCN Status: Critical

Rising seas around South Florida and the removal of protective natural features on coasts mean that the Everglades are being swamped by salty ocean water. This is destroying the wetlands, which provide fresh water to much of South Florida — Miami included.

Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

IUCN Status: Threatened

Conditions at the Galapagos are deteriorating, largely due to tourism, over-exploitation of fisheries, and extreme weather events. Climate change is also considered a major threat to these unique islands.

Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize

Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize

IUCN Status: Threatened

Caribbean reefs have been devastated by the same factors that have affected the Great Barrier Reef and other reefs around the world in recent decades. Overfishing, invasive species, development, and especially climate change — and the warmer waters, sea level rise, and intense storms that come with it — are all having a serious effect. In 2015, 68% of reefs in this system were in critical or poor condition, and there have been several bleaching events since then.

Pantanal Conservation Area, Brazil

Pantanal Conservation Area, Brazil

IUCN Status: Threatened

Poaching, the wildlife trade, and invasive species have all had an effect on this rich part of Brazil, but future threats from development and agriculture are of even greater concern.

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