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The introvert's 5-step guide to working at home with an extrovert

1. Express your needs

The introvert's 5-step guide to working at home with an extrovert

2. Establish ground rules

2. Establish ground rules

Sit down with your partner, and talk about the situation. Establish some rules that will work for the both of you.

If your partner needs to make phone calls, is there a place to do that without intruding on your space? Can you make a deal to eat lunch at the same time? (Your partner can watch videos with headphones while you enjoy the silence).

Perhaps you establish a 30-minute quiet time twice a day where your partner agrees not to talk and not to take phone calls.

Consider what will help you feel and do your best. Just make sure you're willing to make accommodations that help meet your partner's needs as well.

3. Create a workspace that works for you

3. Create a workspace that works for you

Sitting on the couch next to your partner all day with the TV blaring in the background probably won't help you produce your best work.

Instead, you may do better if you have your own quiet office. Of course, most couples don't have the luxury of having separate office space.

So if you can't get your own office — and you aren't going to build your own cubicle — find creative ways to make yourself more comfortable.

Perhaps a workstation in a quiet corner facing the window works best. Or maybe you prefer to sit at the kitchen table while wearing noise-canceling headphones. Experiment with different ideas until you create a workspace that helps you feel and do your best.

4. Make time to be alone

4. Make time to be alone

It's important to make time for a little solitude during the day. If you don't, you'll likely find yourself staying up late or waking up early to sneak in some quiet time before anyone else is up.

Carve out a few blocks of quiet time in the morning and afternoon, and you'll feel more refreshed throughout the day.

If you're fortunate enough to have the space to go for a walk in nature, take the opportunity to do so during the day. Research shows walking alone in nature — especially during a lunch break — can help you perform better for the rest of the day.

5. Practice good self-care

5. Practice good self-care

Even though your partner may be craving more time with you, and everyone you know may be complaining about their own lack of social interaction, don't feel bad about seeking more solitude.

Whether you enjoy reading a good book, or you like listening to your favorite podcast, make time to do those things.

Everyone's social needs and solitary needs are a little different. And these needs may vary depending on the situation. Right now, during a time of high stress, you might find you need more quiet time than usual (or you might discover you can do fine with less than usual too).

Either way, it's up to you to develop the self-care practices that work best for you. Just make sure you communicate those needs and practices with your partner, so you can work well together under the same roof.

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