14. The median home value in Gilbert, Arizona, is $340,400.
Real-estate market rank: 25
Affordability and economic environment rank: 8
Total score: 67.99
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
13. The median home value in Fort Worth, Texas, is $197,900.
Real-estate market rank: 16
Affordability and economic environment rank: 27
Total score: 68.23
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
12. The median home value in Austin, Texas, is $371,900.
Real-estate market rank: 12
Affordability and economic environment rank: 28
Total score: 68.47
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
11. The median home value in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, is $243,900.
Real-estate market rank: 18
Affordability and economic environment rank: 4
Total score: 69.19
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
10. The median home value in Fort Wayne, Indiana, is $136,700.
Real-estate market rank: 5
Affordability and economic environment rank: 51
Total score: 69.51
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
9. The median home value in Allen, Texas, is $319,000.
Real-estate market rank: 13
Affordability and economic environment rank: 6
Total score: 69.52
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
8. The median home value in Durham, North Carolina, is $229,900.
Real-estate market rank: 4
Affordability and economic environment rank: 37
Total score: 69.67
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
7. The median home value in Carrollton, Texas, is $286,100.
Real-estate market rank: 6
Affordability and economic environment rank: 21
Total score: 70.02
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
6. The median home value in McKinney, Texas, is $311,400.
Real-estate market rank: 26
Affordability and economic environment rank: 2
Total score: 70.23
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
5. The median home value in Denton, Texas, is $239,000.
Real-estate market rank: 3
Affordability and economic environment rank: 41
Total score: 70.51
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
4. The median home value in Cary, North Carolina, is $378,000.
Real-estate market rank: 7
Affordability and economic environment rank: 3
Total score: 71.07
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
3. The median home value in Overland Park, Kansas, is $317,000.
Real-estate market rank: 2
Affordability and economic environment rank: 57
Total score: 71.69
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
2. The median home value in Frisco, Texas, is $396,800.
Real-estate market rank: 9
Affordability and economic environment rank: 1
Total score: 72.44
Source: Zillow, WalletHub
1. The median home value in Boise, Idaho, is $301,500.
Real-estate market rank: 1
Affordability and economic environment rank: 38
Total score: 73.68
Source: Zillow, WalletHub