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  4. Regular people who went undercover in jail for 2 months discovered a strict social hierarchy that governs everything from where you sleep to whether you get to shower

Regular people who went undercover in jail for 2 months discovered a strict social hierarchy that governs everything from where you sleep to whether you get to shower

On their first day, new inmates often find themselves getting grilled by veteran inmates about the nature of their crimes. Inmates are on high alert for inconsistencies in someone's back story, which could suggest they are an undercover mole.

Regular people who went undercover in jail for 2 months discovered a strict social hierarchy that governs everything from where you sleep to whether you get to shower

The undercover inmates quickly learned that there is a strict social hierarchy in jail that governs everything from where you sleep to whether you get to shower or not.

The undercover inmates quickly learned that there is a strict social hierarchy in jail that governs everything from where you sleep to whether you get to shower or not.

New inmates are constantly getting tested by those higher on the social ladder. In one early episode, an undercover inmate named Jeff got pressured into buying commissary items for a veteran inmate. Word quickly spread that Jeff could be taken advantage of.

New inmates are constantly getting tested by those higher on the social ladder. In one early episode, an undercover inmate named Jeff got pressured into buying commissary items for a veteran inmate. Word quickly spread that Jeff could be taken advantage of.

Another undercover inmate, Tammy, was thrust into an uncomfortable confrontation early in her stay after an inmate stole her sandals.

Another undercover inmate, Tammy, was thrust into an uncomfortable confrontation early in her stay after an inmate stole her sandals.

Inmates aren't allowed to have money in jail, so food is the de facto currency. Drugs that were illegally smuggled in were often exchanged for items like ramen noodles and potato chips.

Inmates aren

One undercover inmate, Alan, became a target when inmates noticed he ordered an unusually large amount of commissary items. 'Outside, it's a honey bun, but in here, it's like carrying around a brick of gold,' he said.

One undercover inmate, Alan, became a target when inmates noticed he ordered an unusually large amount of commissary items.

Gang life played a large role in Fulton County Jail's social dynamics. The 'pod boss' — the inmate with the most power in each section of the jail — was often a gang member who had the most sway on the outside.

Gang life played a large role in Fulton County Jail

Whenever there was a dispute between inmates, it almost always was resolved with violence. Even seemingly trivial issues, like when one inmate reneged on his promise to give another inmate his hash browns, erupted into bloody attacks.

Whenever there was a dispute between inmates, it almost always was resolved with violence. Even seemingly trivial issues, like when one inmate reneged on his promise to give another inmate his hash browns, erupted into bloody attacks.

When a fight breaks out, bystanders know to keep their distance and let it play out. And they certainly don't tell any guards. 'You can get murdered in here for something like that,' Alan said.

When a fight breaks out, bystanders know to keep their distance and let it play out. And they certainly don

Fights are one way for new inmates to climb the social ladder in jail — even when they lose. 'If you take that beating, you're more respected,' said Ryan, an undercover inmate.

Fights are one way for new inmates to climb the social ladder in jail — even when they lose.

Inmates can earn respect in other ways too. One undercover inmate, Emmanuel, found getting into a shouting match with a corrections officer was a successful strategy.

Inmates can earn respect in other ways too. One undercover inmate, Emmanuel, found getting into a shouting match with a corrections officer was a successful strategy.

Inmates are fiercely territorial with their scarce resources. One undercover inmate, Zac, knew he was accepted when he scored an invite to a group dinner featuring a grab-bag of commissary items.

Inmates are fiercely territorial with their scarce resources. One undercover inmate, Zac, knew he was accepted when he scored an invite to a group dinner featuring a grab-bag of commissary items.

Inmates even manage to throw parties in jail featuring homemade alcohol and 'whippit' — a taffy-like substance made with sugar, coffee, and prescription narcotics.

Inmates even manage to throw parties in jail featuring homemade alcohol and

Once they get released, inmates often struggle to readapt to society outside of jail — even if they were only there for 60 days.

Once they get released, inmates often struggle to readapt to society outside of jail — even if they were only there for 60 days.

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