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  4. Las Vegas has a new $30 million vertical farm that produces over a million pounds of produce every year - take a look

Las Vegas has a new $30 million vertical farm that produces over a million pounds of produce every year - take a look

Oasis Biotech's controlled indoor environment and LED lighting system produces fresh produce 365 days a year.

Las Vegas has a new $30 million vertical farm that produces over a million pounds of produce every year - take a look

The company caters to the needs of the Las Vegas restaurant industry, producing classic crops like romaine and arugula alongside gourmet produce.

The company caters to the needs of the Las Vegas restaurant industry, producing classic crops like romaine and arugula alongside gourmet produce.

The company's current list of produce includes epicurean treats like chervil and mizuna. In the future, it plans to introduce "fruiting crops" like peppers, cucumbers, and berries. While the produce isn't sold to the general public, it may soon be distributed to local grocers.

Growing the crops is a delicate process, requiring workers to wear a mask, gloves, and full body suit.

Growing the crops is a delicate process, requiring workers to wear a mask, gloves, and full body suit.

The Center for Disease Control estimates that 48 million people get sick from a foodborne illness each year. The process of indoor farming allows companies to have full control over their growing environment, reducing the chance of contamination.

Each seed is planted one at a time, using tweezers for maximum precision.

Each seed is planted one at a time, using tweezers for maximum precision.

The germination room, where crops are grown, is kept at 85 degrees Fahrenheit and 85% humidity. This added warmth allows the seeds to grow at a faster rate. After about 21 days, crops enter the harvest phase, where they are stored in an air-conditioned environment. Once harvest is complete, crops arrive at their destination within one to two days.

The company has created more than 130 new jobs in Southern Nevada.

The company has created more than 130 new jobs in Southern Nevada.

While agriculture makes up around 1.7 percent of US employment, it accounts for only 0.15 percent in Clark County, Nevada. In time, Oasis Biotech hopes to jumpstart the region's agricultural industry by creating more opportunities for workers.

According to the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development, the state's agriculture industry generates more than half a billion dollars in annual revenue and more than $100 million in annual exports. Oasis Biotech could add tens of millions of dollars to the industry, according to estimates from its CEO and General Manager, Brock Leach.

The facility aims to produce more than a million pounds of produce each year.

The facility aims to produce more than a million pounds of produce each year.

In 2014, the Las Vegas Sustainability Atlas found that 92% of the city's food was shipped by truck, while just 8% was grown locally. The company's proprietary technology helps reduce the need to import crops, yielding more than 1,500 pounds of produce each day.

"We want to redefine the meaning of fresh produce to Las Vegas," Leach said in a statement. "We are now living in a world where the produce your family consumes will be grown in the same city in which they live."

"We want to redefine the meaning of fresh produce to Las Vegas," Leach said in a statement. "We are now living in a world where the produce your family consumes will be grown in the same city in which they live."

While most US produce travels between 1,500 and 2,500 miles before reaching the consumer, Oasis Biotech ensures that crops are delivered within an average of 4 miles, meaning they retain their flavor and nutrients.

When food is shipped long distances, it requires large amounts of fossil fuel energy — around ten times the amount of energy we receive from the food itself.

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