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'I'm working on it right now' and other workplace white lies we're all guilty of telling

'That wasn't my fault.'

'I'm working on it right now' and other workplace white lies we're all guilty of telling

'I have to leave work early for a [fill in the blank] appointment.'

This is a common white lie almost everyone has relied upon at some point in their work lives to handle something personal, says Taylor.

But to be fair about "truth in excuses," most managers won't delve into your private life if you abide by their employment policies, so it's a common default.

'It's my first priority.'

This is a charming statement and music to any boss's ears. Thus, its wide popularity.

Of course, most employees have assigned the project as one of several priorities, but according to Taylor, it's told because it bides time and sounds great.

'The account is looking good.'

According to Taylor, it's common to find those who brag or engage in a little hyperbole to keep things pleasant for the time being.

It might keep their manager jovial, at least for a few hours. But they may be playing a high-stakes game that the account really will come in or grow.

'That was my idea!'

There are always glory hogs in the office notorious for taking credit for others' work (unless the work has gotten bad reviews), says Taylor.

'I need it yesterday.'

Everyone has heard those who "cry wolf" about emergencies, only to witness the "hurry up and wait" syndrome.

When everything is urgent, credibility is lost over time and project urgency can quickly seem a sham, Taylor said.

'I can have it done tomorrow!'

In the zeal to get things done, people can over-promise. Better to over-deliver, recommends Taylor.

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